16 Oct 2023

And Then, Wave A Flag….

   Whilst flicking through the various ‘news’ channels on the televisual receiving device these past phew daze, something went ‘ding’ in my head.
    There’s a couple spots of bother just now and the TV is full of crying mums and kids and also various local protest demonstrations. These show many hundreds - nay, thousands - marching in protest against one side or the other. Thus wot went ‘ding’ in my old swede was the huge number of folk waving flags of varying size and nationality.
    Now the flags may be Ukranky or Paly or Iszy flags, dependent on the protest, but where the hell did all those flags come from at such short notice? Are these just professional protesters with an attic full of flags and it’s just a matter of nipping up there to select the right flag for the right protest for the next day out?
    And how much do they flags cost and who makes ‘em? I must say that in all the years of shopping I’ve partaken in, in towns, in malls or in out of town shopping centres, I’ve never seen a flags of all nations retailer.
    Off topic, remember I found that with an extra bit o’ code a link to an item on YouTube would open full screen? Yesterday, I discovered by accident, something y’all are probably already aware of. An embederated Tube of You clip will go to full screen by the simple expedient of double tapping the embederation. Who knew eh? For me, it works in both Foxyfire and Billy on the Edge. Try it; double tap on wot’s below. Double tap again to come back here.

Addendumadodad; Seems the only fellow to fall foul of law enforcement{?} at any demo. was carted off for holding his own flag; a Union Jack. Repeat above music...

Quote; George Galloway.

“There are those who wrap themselves in flags and blow the tinny trumpet of patriotism as a means of fooling the people.”

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