18 Oct 2023

And Then Up It Goes….

   Oh joyous daze. Just got word from our energy supplier that our lekky monthly DD for next year is going up by ten pounds from November. Is this something to do with fighting that climate thingy? If so, well done us I say.
    Even more reason for joy is that gas will come down by ten dabs so no change overall for next year then. For now but we won’t be doing any breath holding.
    We were also informed that every Sunday between 11:00 and 16:00 lekky will be billed at half price. With that info. We plan on only using the lights during that time. Say wot now? That’s mainly winter daylight time and we won’t need lights? Whoa! Double saving. How exciting is that then.
   I won’t stand back in amazement if further ‘savings’ are made this winter via blackouts to be blamed on various bits o’ bother round the globe...
    Finally, where are you Ripper? Hit me with a comment to let me know all’s well okay? Failing that, on the off chance this site is glanced at by an ex college who knows wot’s wot, drop a comment please. He was a welder with JCB, recently retired and renovating a recently purchased property. Thanks. I hope for good news... He was also a regular contributor at
Nourishing Obscurity of course. Here’s a number from back a bit I remember he enjoyed;

Quote; Tim Allen.

“Electricity can be dangerous. My nephew tried to stick a penny into a plug. Whoever said a penny doesn't go far didn't see him shoot across that floor. I told him he was grounded.”

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