22 Jul 2024

And Then A Comment…

   ...was left a little bit after a while ago regards moving our population by Andy 5759;
“Oh Mac, that made me laugh. I've often fantasised about such a scenario. The only drawback would be exchanging the slugs here eating my seedlings for the elephants trampling everything over there. We can dream but in the end we have to live the lives we've got in the place we have. Until we ent got either.
   May I humbly reply right here.
   No problems there. With our unrestricted entrepreneurial freedoms, those that produce slug repellents will, in no time at all, have developed an heffalump repellent to be scattered round our new villages, towns and places of work.
   Long term, the elephants will be gradually rounded up and shipped-out, monthly, to be landed on a beach near Dover with notes tagged to their feet claiming refugee asylum seeker status as they’re escaping from mistreatment in their home country. Send ‘em back? Where? Ha! Sorry, no documentation.
   That should make the new natives - no pun intended - of the UK feel more at home while giving them a taste of what it’s like coping with big numbers of big gimmigrants and finding them some place to live and eat. Get out o’ that one then.Oh, when visa given they can demand their families are allowed to join ‘em, right?
   This, of course, would apply to anything considered to be detrimental to our wellbeing or safety in our new home. Job done so let's party hearty...

Quote; Ivan Illich.

“Tools can rule men sooner than they expect; the plow makes man the lord of the garden but also the refugee from the dust bowl.”

20 Jul 2024

And Then An Update…

   And that would be a third party update that, it seems, unplugged the World from the Interweb. It seems this little update only effected Billy at the Window kit and I must say it’s nice to see Billy suffering wot he occasionally inflicts on us down here with his fiddling.
   Is it something to do with that cloud thingy? I must say I’ve never understood why folk would elect to keep so much sensitive and personal information on a cloud. Just one naughty rainy day and all that info could pour down to naughty folks kit could it not?
   It should also be a wakeup call to those wot would rule over us regards going cashless and demanding digital I.D. Cards an’ such. Remember so many folk saying wot could possibly go wrong? A couple of daze ago should be a clue eh?
   Anyhoo, on a sad note, I’m sure y’all will join with me in wishing Head Rambles the very best wishes for a happy outcome regards his upcoming medical procedure. Good luck to you.
Finally, via a comment on Going Postal, I ran into this old number. Man, that took me back. You old enough to remember that? The commenters note ‘linked’ it to the ongoing palaver regards ol’ Joe be-gone over the water.

Quote; Edsger Dijkstra.

“If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programming must be the process of putting them in.”

18 Jul 2024

And Then Yup, Another Old ‘Un…

   Still here but wot with all wot’s going on ma heeds been taking a break and firmly in neutral. New faces up there but same plan to take control of our every movement and thought.
   Anyhoo, with the invasion of this country still cracking on a-pace this gave me an excuse to lazily re-post wot’s below. Think it’d work?
With the rising tide of people running away from Africa and seeking a home in Europe, and by definition, the UK, and many folk expressing concern that this is basically leading to population displacement/replacement, I have a cunning plan. 
   Let's stop all the whining and whinging and get a grip people. Why don't we just select an African country and let 'em all in; even send help with transport so's they can skip the risky sinky boaty bitty in the middle of their trip. However, and this is the cleaver bit, as they come, we go. Twenty thousand sleepy lagoons imported from there to here to equal twenty thousand of ol' whitey exported from here to there. Over a relatively short period of time ol' whitey will be relocated down south the way with our survival and empire building instincts kicking-in big time.  
   First boat out should be loaded-out with entrepreneurs, engineers, builders, farmers fishermen, drillers and miners just to kick-start the grand adventure and to draw up plans for the countries infrastructure. Roads would be a low priority as they will most likely be in better shape than the roads we'll be leaving behind. Also a contingency of the Royal Corps of Engineers to assist the RN guys get the docks up to snuff and the RAF guys upgrading the airports, the faster to export and import the two populations. Or import and export if you're still over here waiting your turn to go. 
   Is the entire indigenous population of this island welcome to our new home? You're kidding, right? This is a one-off; a new start building a country from the ground-up so we need to be a tad selective with who we can best live without. 
   Those NOT required on voyage would be, but not be limited to, the following:
Bed-wetting Timidadians and puritanians, no woke wobblers, nobody called Karen, Ant, Dec or Piers, no green goblins, no politicians or councillors of any political persuasion. No bureaucrats, civil serpents, any and all charity and quango employers/employees, tele-sales people, all teachers from primary right through to university level. No lawyers and members of the judiciary, anyone involved with or has any connection to the MSM, especially the BBC, with the possible exception of Sponge Bob Square Pants. The Royal family? We'll choose and then give them the choice but if they come, they'll have to build their own homes using their own money and their own hands. And content themselves with just appearing on stamps and nothing more. 
   Seems to me it could be a win-win situation. Blank canvas, new start, full employment as we build our new country and harvest its abundance of natural reserves to be used and exported and a new industrial base based on the future. And the weather? It's guaranteed to be better than that wot we get up here. 
   Say what now? You'd like to go but you'd miss your fox hunting? Trust me, there'll be stuff down there for you to hunt but, unlike fox hunting, if you get it wrong you'll quickly discover you've become the hunted. Sorry? You're not up for that sort of challenge? You're not up for that sort of trip then.

 Quote; James Lankford.

“Our nation stands at the crossroads of liberty. Crushing national debt, rampant illegal immigration, insane business regulations and staggering national unemployment are pushing our nation into unchartered territory.”