30 Sept 2023

And Then That’s Another...

   As I reload my time accelerator weekly pill poppin’ pods, once again I wonder where that week went. Same old ‘news’ featuring stabbings, shootings, bombings, crashes, global boiling floods and floods of new folk being booked into our hotels. Life{?} goes on then.
    And the icing on the MSM misery cake? Why that would be a tree wot’s been chopped down that seems to have driven a lot of folk nuts as it’s, apparently, iconic. Hope they get it down to Drax to give a nearby home some lekky for a little while... Was it chopped down as some sort of protest? A protest against wot one wonders. Will this see a surge in chain saw a crime on the streets you think? That’d make gang fights a tad messy would it not.
    So no change out there as we continue to swirl ever closer to the plug hole. It’s a blue do is it not?
    Yup, everything’s Evaporating;
Direct light,
Nothing we can see by,
In turn we live by touch,
Blind as our first moments,
All white and flame,
Become the darkness - see too much.

Quote; Voltaire.

“Ice-cream is exquisite - what a pity it isn't illegal.”


A K Haart said...

Maybe that tree being chopped down is a useful reminder of Hadrian's Wall because the Romans knew what a border is even if we don't.

Mac said...

A K Haart,
Borders you say? Dear me, what an old fashioned concept, it'll never catch on.