I’m sure you’re all up to speed regards that fellow wot’s been silenced on that fairly new news channel for saying wot was on his mind about some other ‘journalist’. That would be on his mind wot didn’t jive with the accepted mind set required out there now.
Anyhoo, via a comment I got
to read{for read, read read} the chaps thoughts on becoming branded a bad boy. It starts thusly;
“My final thoughts, before I move on. As we have a busy day helping a girl who misgendered
another student, by refusing to call her a cat.”
And ends thusly;
“On a final note, we should all ask ourselves if this is a society we want to live in, where the cancel mob reign and your only chance at existence is total and utter capitulation to their whims.”
The full bit’s below this underlined bit: Well typed that man. Again it be a link to that Twitter X thingy so I cant follow the thread.
Anyhoo, anyone sent him a link to this old number?
Quote; Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
“Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
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