1 Apr 2021

And Then A Rest...

   Well, so, seems co-co has slipped a tad on the ‘news’ rounds while they attempt to focus our attention on a school wot showed the kids a cartoon, kids complaining about naughtiness while at school and an extreme ultra neo-nasty fellow wot joined the police force. Oh, let’s not forget that other police jobbie wot’s going on in the US.
   Top spot goes to folk of colour allowed uninterrupted air time to tell us how nasty ol’ whity really is to them here.  And on that subject, I really don’t understand why they stay here if they’re being so horribly treated. As I’m sure I’ve typed before, imagine wot wonderous utopias they could, collectively, make if they returned to the lands of their forefathers. Blank canvas an’ all that. Or how long would it be before they were on the phone to ol’ whitey asking for a little help...
   May I quote – again – a bit from a little bit after a while ago regards folk being perceived as being nasty to other folk and the ‘fact’ it only works one way? I may? Here be it then. Been there, done that:
   May I humbly suggest to those flip-flop folk that they take a holiday anywhere well south, southeast or southwest of Dover, befriend a local to clue them in to some of the local expressions used jokingly and derogatorily when they see ol’ whitey, then sit at a street café and check how often they pick up on those expressions as opposed to the number of times they hear, “Oh, look, a nice white couple; we should invite them round ours for tofu tonight.”
   Anyhoo, here’s
thought provoking article from Mr. Ward well worth the read.

Quote;  Andy Ngo.

“Some victims are valued more in the eyes of the American media than others.”

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