31 Mar 2021

And Then, Applause...

Below is a comment found at Going Postal I just couldn’t resist copying and pasting here. Judas was Paid, please accept, simultaneously, both my apologies  and applause. How succinctly and wondrously put into words wot so very many of us must be thinking regards the times we’re living in. Sadly, very many will read it and think, ‘Wot’s that all about then?’ 
   The last two paragraphs are, to me, a pair of perfect pearls. Bravo.

Judas was Paid:
   The concept of progressive-ism is a falsehood. Everything that is has already been at some time or other. Nothing is new and all manner of ideas and systems have previously been tried and tested at some point in human history. Indeed, even those things that proved true and fine have fallen into disrepair and grown tatty, old and crumpled.
   This is human nature; to allow the good to slip away through the fingers whilst clutching at what is lesser and of no value. It is as though a blind man, feeling the well worn shape of a large and impressive diamond is fooled into exchanging it for a piece of polished glass or a man with a devoted and dutiful wife who serves the family's needs to the n'th degree, even to the cost of her own wellbeing is jettisoned from the family home to be replaced by a nubile young tart with no interest, allegiance or capability.
   Humans are sometimes lazy and like running water they seek the smooth over the rough, the downward over the upward and will, in a trice, find a lower level especially when taking counsel from those who seek to defraud them of their inheritances for purposes known only to themselves.
   In a span of 64 years I have witnessed the demise of Christianity, the fragmentation of family life, the growing reliance on manipulated 'news', the removal of what were once deemed inalienable rights, the elimination of the concept of duty, an undermining of the necessity to work for one's own upkeep and the upkeep of one's family, all of which has led to a dumbing down in all departments of our common life. Some see this as accidental. 
   Others, like myself see it as something more, a concerted effort to coral and contain the masses into pens where control and coercion can be seen to be effective thus allowing the levers of power to be exercised by the privileged hands of a few unknown faces. There is a malevolence at work and its greatest ally is the indifference, indolence, gullibility and stupidity of a large portion of the populace.

Quote;  Maxime LagacĂ©.

“Stand for what’s right. Make your life beautiful. Make your life meaningful.”

        Ayn Rand.

Freedom (n.): “To ask nothing. To expect nothing. To depend on nothing.”

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