13 Jun 2024

And Then An Old One…

   And that would be this political game presently in play but would indeed include me.
   Have you noticed, on the rare occasion you click on the remote and find you’re watching a political broadcast, that it’s almost like watching a movie you’ve seen over the years at least ten times before.
   Tax? Starmageddon has categorically ruled out tax rises for us down here. Really? Anyone who’s seen this old movie and, assuming they win, will know that on day two he’ll be all over the media saying how shocked and saddened he was to see the actual state of the countries accounts and, so very sadly, will have to substantially increase all known taxes and even invent several new taxes. It’s an old movie so it’s a given is it not?
   Anyhoo, rewind a tad further and you’ll see they’ll tax the rich and some big outfits more so more rich folk will be heading out along with any outfit wot finds itself being whacked in the wallet. Oh dear, never mind, tax them down there a tad more to cover the loss, okay?
   In other ‘news’ I see our present glorious leader, the one talking about the difficult financial conditions we’re in - that would be us down here - has magically scraped together another two hundred and fifty-two pounds is it? to give to that nice, honest chap in Ukranky so’s he can kill more folk. As said before, so much better than giving it to the NHS, blessed be its name, to save lives eh?
   And while I'm here, I'm sure you'll join me in wishing Grandad over at Head Rambles the best of wishes.

Quote; Ross Perot.

“The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled, the public debt should be reduced and the arrogance of public officials should be controlled.”

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