18 Jun 2024

And Then Possibly A Trend…

   A couple of days ago I answered a knock on the front door to find a youngish fellow with a large shoulder bag there. He commenced giving me a long hard luck story regards him being out of work for the past eight months and struggling to male ends meet and support his wife, two kids and pay the rent in these tough times.
   However, two friends of his, wot run small general goods shops, offered him a little stock to try selling door to door and he could keep seventy five percent of any sales. A glance into the bag and I confirmed there was nothing wot I wanted, said bu-by and off he went.
   On my way back to the sofa it hit me in the ass. Wot did? Why the sitting room door wot I pulled to close a tad faster than I was moving.
   Anyhoo, made it to the sofa and ma heed kicked in and I came up with another story beside the shop owner buddies helping. Could that bag contain the unwanted residue from his - or a gangs - recent shoplifting expedition? I’m leaning towards the latter and it’s probably a view into wot could become a new trend...

   A cheery old choon to finish?

Quote; Arthur C. Clarke.

“Crime had practically vanished. It had become unnecessary and impossible. When no one lacks anything there is no point in stealing.”


Andy5759 said...

These poor fellows come around from time to time, always with amateurish ID and tales of woe. Often they claim to be ex military or ex cons. My response is to tell them that I used to do what they're doing when I were their age. Sometimes I buy, mostly I don't. Did buy some rigger gloves last time because I needed some without holes that afternoon. As for the shop lifting some of the stuff is such poor quality that they must be haunting the pound shops.

Mac said...

Interesting. Going by what you say, I suppose, over the next week or so, we can expect folk posing as political activists to come tap tap a-tapping at our doors stating that for just £25 you can make your voice really, really count...