26 Apr 2024

And Then All Hail The Change …

   That would be the climate of course. This late April AM, I opened the back door to be greeted by a blast of hail, hence the name change from global warming to climate change I guess.
   Found an image on the Interweb wot I shamelessly copied wot shows our final destination and should be enjoyed by all climate disaster believers...

   And then I found this that ties-in with all the talk regards spy - sorry, there I go again - smartphone ‘news’. It’s a tad old yet very new; y’all of an age, enjoy.

Quote; Indie.

"I love how baby boomers dream of being millionaires & the millennial dream is 2 have a 1 bedroom apartment and not to drown because of the ice caps melting."

24 Apr 2024

And Then Defence…

   Well, more magic money going out. Just a thunk, but isn’t it time this little island declared itself as neutral and thus stopped spaffing money all over the world and especially funding other folks wars enabling those folks to kill and maim so many folk?
   As for the announced of the huge increase in the defence budget, paid for by us down here, wot will it be spent on? Again, declaring neutrality would dramatically reduce the need for anyone to invading us at all.
   Just think of the joyous, prosperous, pothole free island we could be living on with all that money being used here eh?
   Anyhoo, defence I hear you say? ‘We’ can’t even stop the invasion presently underway right now with nary a shot being fired by either ‘side’ so wot’s a bigger budget going to do?
   Okay, let’s lighten up a tad. Remember that big boat wot bumped into a bridge a while back? When I tapped out that bit about the absence of a pull me-push me, something was floating about in the fog of ma heed but refused to emerge. Yesterday it done did break-out so below please find a song wot may strike a chord with any old folk out there wot used to do business on boats. All best listen to with them there ear bud thingies...

That led me to this nice medley...

And that led me way off topic to this wot may help y’all find out if there’s a hill-billy bone hidden deep in your body. Bu-by for now.

Quote; A. Whitney Brown.

Our bombs are smarter than the average high school student. At least they can find Kuwait.

23 Apr 2024

And Then I’m Shocked…

   Wot could possibly shock I? It’s the ‘news’ that a huge percentage of 5 to 7 year old kiddies have a spy... sorry, smartphone. Are these kiddies paying for them out of their own pocket money? Is their pocket money in line with the basic living wage? Assuming it’s getting paid for by ‘others’, wot’s that costing mummy and daddy every month then? Bet they demand a big data plan as well as, I’m assuming, living on that unsociably muddier thingy needs lots of it.
   A monthly bumper lumper I’m guessing as, for sure, mummy and daddy have one and of course any older siblings in the family will be glued to phones. If you lot just eat once a week you can have a phone each. Is that how it works?
   Is it time for those investigative, seekers of truth, journalists to regroup regards their hyper scary reporting of that cost of living crises thingy you think?
   As a by-the-by, there’s a post from Ripper over at
Nourishing Obscurity. Good to ‘see’ you old buddy. Take care my friend.

Quote; Abhijit Naska.

“Phones are neither good nor bad, they are just lifeless machines that were invented to serve humankind, yet humankind, with their everlasting stupidity have turned this communication marvel into psychological suicide.”