16 Sept 2013

And Then More Ace Reportage….

BBC local TV today featured two little girls reporting on a couple of events. Do they just read this stuff or do they write it as well? Or do they make it up on the run?  Whatever, I just found it a tad sad.

First up was the news that the Costa Concordia had been floated off the rocks where it had been stuck for nearly two years. Stuck? Is that a new nautical term then? Stuck? 

Hay girly number two, follow that!! And that she did – in spades – by telling us, excitedly, that organizers are expecting the theatre is going to be filled full. Filled full. Fair enough. So much better than being half filled full or, disaster of disasters, emptily filled.

Am I just being meanly picky? Again.

Quote;  H. Jackson Brown Jr.

“Never make fun of someone who speaks broken English. It means they know another language.”

           Doug Larson.

“If the English language made any sense, lackadaisical would have something to do with a shortage of flowers.”

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