2 Nov 2023

And Then, Not Available….

   Out and about a little today despite the horror weather warnings. On the way home we spotted a McDonald burger joint and thought I, why not? Just for me you understand as they still don’t do chicken feet with rice. Pulled in, went in and ordered a double mouse burger with cheese. This was greeted with sideways glances and muffled chuckles. End result? Not available at that joint...
    I did however have another young person and proper money adventure - of sorts.
    I ordered wot I wanted, less mice, and being the stuck in the past old fellow I be, handed over real money. This was in the form of a ten pound note. The change due, wot shows on the young ladies till, was a tad less than a five pound note so this young person - and I’m not making this up - had to look at every one of ‘em regardless of the shape, size or colour of the coins, to confirm the value as stamped on each and every coin. There did follow a double check of course. End result? I won a penny...

Quote; Robin McKinle.

“Mice are terribly chatty. They will chat about anything, and if there is nothing to chat about, they will chat about having nothing to chat about. Compared to mice, robins are reserved.”

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