5 Nov 2023

And Then News Fun….

    By way of a change, did you catch the ‘news’ the other day that ‘reported’, during an item on the rise of robberies from chemists, that a pharmacy had just been broken into and hundreds of Viagra tablets had been stolen. The police are reportedly looking for a gang of hardened criminals... So nice to smile a while in the midst of all the doom and gloom and global boiling.

    Anyhoo, let’s give that no never mind and return to innocence;

 Quote; James Taylor.

“Television news is now entertainment, and the stories are being written by the people that have a special interest in them.”


A K Haart said...

I like that quote - “Television news is now entertainment". It has become more and more obvious over the years, but we shouldn't be surprised because television is all about entertainment, it's what they do.

Mac said...

A K Haart,
So true and as time goes by it gets ever harder to figure out the truth.
As said before, the commercial breaks - now basically cartoon brakes - are becoming more entertaining than the entertainment programs.