5 Oct 2023

And Then The Past Is Back...

    First up, a word to Ripper, aint heard from you for a while - nor on Nourishing Obscurity and I’m guessing you’re concentrating on your house renovations. Sure hope this is so old friend.

   Well, so, I see smoking’s in the headlines again but this time it’ll be banned by prohibiting it via age until one and all are included. Now I’m just a dumb old man but I can imagine bad boys are already exploring sources for obtaining cheap smokes and the chains for the resale of said smokes. At a profit you think?
Be careful out there as saying or typing the ‘wrong’ thing will land you in big trouble and once we’re all micro chipped be careful wot you even think , okay?
   The other day I pondered how long it’ll be before smiling in public becomes an offence. On reflection, I probably got that the wrong way round and we’ll be legally obliged to smile at all times when in public so’s to show we’re so happy to tow the authoritarian utopian line we now have to live by.
   Anyhoo, sorry but this news calls for yet another post from the past as per wot’s below for those possibly new to looking through the Foggy Mirror:
   Some people will choose to smoke and drink. Some will die youngish, some will die very old. Some folk will choose to eat a lot of what they like, some will die youngish, some will die very old. This could go on for ever with everything, right? Then there are those who will live what the state decrees to be a safe, protected and healthy lifestyle. Surprisingly, some will die youngish and some will die very old.
   However, it’s a 100% certainty we’re all going to die and as the last lap gets underway, some will be wondering what they missed and why, while others will be wishing they’d done just that little bit more.
   So to all you, “it’s bad for you! I don’t like it so you can’t do it, it’s not healthy so we have to stop it now!” fellows, let me assure you that while you’re possibly just passed ‘Go’ on life’s highway and it looks like a long, almost never ending road ahead with time aplenty to foist your pettiness upon others, try to take on-board wot’s below....
   Trust me, when you get to my end of the road two things will become obvious. One, it’s cluttered to hell an’ back with tin cans and two, when you look over your shoulder, back down the road of life, you’ll be amazed at just how short a journey it actually was. Then you’ll realise, too late, what a complete and total waste of your brief, precious time it was being so miserable, hating the enjoyment of others and foisting your misery on those who had a little zest for life and were attempting, against all the odds, to enjoy their brief moment in the sun.

Quote; Earl Warhus.

“As the flesh gets in the way of our ideals, we regulate ourselves unto enslavement and inhumanity. The human spirit then dies and the animal in us returns.”

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