The world’s going mad but, for now, all’s quiet where we be so I just dropped in to leave a couple or three links.
The first is to a really good read at Going Postal regards the climate game that’s being plaid out before our eyes. Here’s the beginning bit:
”As we reach the end of a long winter that saw snow remaining on the hills until mid-April, we might address the science behind global warming. Not a phoney cause and effect claiming a 0.04% concentration of carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere has an effect upon the weather, but rather the real measurable reason behind the global warming issue – one that lies between the ears.”
And that reminded me of a comment I copied – only for a little while you understand – from whence and by whom I forget, with apologies, wot do get more relevant with every passing day:
"...that attempting to stem or "thwart" the current levels of immigration was impossible; that it was just a fact of life." Politicians think that, for some reason, it's impossible to stop humans from crossing a defended border, but think it's perfectly rational to believe we can control the natural heating and cooling cycles of the earth. Do they even listen to themselves?"
The second link is further to the post regards the breaking and repairing of Flimsy Fox and contains more precise instructions to fixing it. That is unless you don’t mind where the Tab Bar is located of course.
Finally, a little light relief as you watch a bit o’ Twatter. So, it wasn’t only the NHS, blessed be its name, that danced co-co time away then. Ah shacks ma heed...
Quote; Pythagoras.
“Ability and necessity dwell near each other.”
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