19 Feb 2023

And Then, Let The Light Shine...

   I stepped into the garden  yesterday and spotted something a tad weird. Luckily I was holding my telling-bone having just finished a call. Now this is an old phone and the camera was probably an afterthought so no great bit o’ kit but below is wot I got a snap of.
   I did the business and am left wondering wot’s going on in the house across the back the way. Have aliens dropped in from a passing balloon? Have they converted the room into a giant aquarium for some as yet unknown aquatic beast? Or is it a spooky play of reflected light? If the latter, wot’s it reflecting off?

   Note to self; check back bedroom for alien intrusion. On ‘reflection’, send my little nest of vipers to check. Just in case...

Quote;  Steven Wright

“If you are in a spaceship that is traveling at the speed of light, and you turn on the headlights, does anything happen?”


Ripper said...

Looks like the frontage of a flat roofed Victorian building. When I was a kid we had a cinema with a frontage like that. Demolished years ago but the frontage was saved and sold.

Only other thing I can think of is a Minion just about to put his teeth in.

Ripper said...

A tad off topic, but just a little something I thought I'd put your way on Billy 11. The video in the link is well worth a watch.


Mac said...

Damn! Of course it's a Minion!
Good link well worth a feature for users. We're a well watched peoples these days are we not? And folk even think having a talking/listening tin can is cool...