28 Jul 2022

And Then, Back A Ways...

   That post over at Head Rambles illustrates the end result of a solar storm would see me back at the beginning and how things pretty much were when I was a kid.
   Continuing with childhood daze, looking at all those presently demanding higher wages to cope with inflation, I remember my pittance in pocket money being related to household chores; doing the washing up an’ such. Pocket money that had to be earned and saved if I wanted anything. Anything from a cap gun to a bike.
   When cutting the lawn was added to the task list, a rise in pocket money was requested. This was forthcoming but as this rise came from the grownups household budget, it was quickly followed by a noticeable reduction in the size of meal portions meaning more pocket money being spent on sweet shop snacks to fill the gap thus less left to save for the purchase of fun stuff. Thus no actual benefit was gained from the rise in my pocket money. 
   The same principle works in the same way in the grownup world does it not?
   Oh, drove past the bank again yesterday; seems they’re still suffering the result of a targeted solar attack. I did, however, manage to find an open branch so, happily, was able to pay my tax thus ensuring a slack handful of our newest bestest ever friends will have three hots and a cot  for a little longer in their four star hotel...
   Finally, to confirm that ‘scientifically settled’ man-made global griddling thingy, we needed the fire on for a couple or so hours today to ease the chill in our ageing bones. Fairly typical for mid summer, right? On this high summer showing, winter  gas bills could prove a tad expensive. Give that no never mind as I’ve just had a rise in pocket money. Oh, wait a chilly minute; refer to paragraph three...

Quote;  Pindar.

“A graceful and honourable old age is the childhood of immortality.”

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