9 Jun 2021

And Then It Creeps...

   Well, so, despite the gladdening news recently that just about all the old and infirm have been punctured and that the young only get the sniffles if attacked by co-co, cases are sky rocketing. Will you all just go get punctured. This isn’t going to end is it? As I saw somewhere, apologies I remember not where, but personally, I'm still waiting on the science that proves you can pass on a disease you don't have to somebody who's immune to it.
   Anyhoo, ever lower in age we go and soon the jabba-dabba-do will be ‘offered’, with menaces, to folk who are offended and frightened by a full stop but will be scrambling to get some weird chemi cocktail pumped into themselves. And they say? “To get our freedoms back you understand...” No, you don’t understand. 
   One saving grace for the kids could result from the NHS, blessed be its name, sending all those young folk text messages asking them to go get punctured. A lot of these youngsters will get as far as the first full stop, get offended and delete the message before they find out wot it was about and go hide under their beds thus missing their appointment.
   Another short and sharp video here. Another Twatter thing but a click should get you there.
   You see how saving the planet is creeping into the co-co hype? I must admit I had to look-up pescatarians as I suspected it may refer to the new craze for eating bugs an’ such to save the planet. Meat no, fish yes. who knew? I didn’t. 
   Finally, just an idea for our seekers of truth in the media. Let’s have the percentage of a thousand folk who catch co-co and sadly die from, not with but from co-co and compare that with the percentage of punctured folk who suffer adverse reactions to the chemi cocktail. Long term are obviously not available at this short term notice.  With the hype surrounding the constant call to get punctured, we’re never going to see such results on our TV screens are we?

Quote;  Andy Rooney.

“Vegetarian - that's an old Indian word meaning lousy hunter.”


Anonymous said...

In the concluding three paragraphs of that vegan article, I see we are introduced to a Professor Bollox who thinks the analyses "look" good and then finishes off with a "may be" and a "might do".
It reminds me of the structure of one of those April first articles that you read the whole thing to the punchline at the bottom that points out you've been had.
Are they taking the piss?


Mac said...

Regards your last few words, yes they are. All of 'em.
How is it the media can only find politicians or 'experts' who, when asked a question, all you get is, "Well, I think..." Why can't they find someone who actually knows? Could it be because nobody 'up there' really has a clue?