25 Aug 2020

And Then No Offence...

when i red the news yesterday it came to my attention that i may have been causing any younger folk who blunder through the foggy mirror nausea and intense anxiety by my copious use of punctuation especially that scary full-stop thingy but in my defence I was just doing it how wot I was taught at school in the olden days but to make amends for my bad  please note how much more friendly this post is sans and that means without punctuation id link to the related links on the world wide whatsit but the articles are littered with that fear inducing little dot and I dont want to be responsible for folk clicking and causing themselves further anguish so please do your own research at your own risk im still researching how this affects the use of capitalisation as its use would now seem to be all but redundant and anyway the use could well signify a shouty aggressive and superior sort of attitude so im guessing best not used question is will capitalisation still be acceptable for names an stuff like that

regards to paragraphs i dont know at this time but im sure some guidance as to their like obsolescence or otherwise will be like coming along like awesomely soon

in conclusion  ah shacks ma heed as to how far weve fallen  from being empire builders to a peoples terrified of a small dot in amongst some text and that loud high pitched whirring sound you can here is many an english teacher spinning  in their graves close to the speed of light bu-by

quote  lynne truss or Lynne Truss whichever is acceptable

“To those who care about punctuation, a sentence such as ‘Thank God its Friday’ (without the apostrophe) rouses feelings not only of despair but of violence. The confusion of the possessive ‘its’ (no apostrophe) with the contractive ‘it's’ (with apostrophe) is an unequivocal signal of illiteracy and sets off a Pavlovian ‘kill’ response in the average stickler.”


Ed P said...

For the 'Woke': ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
Now learn to spell and a little bit about grammar too, you silly, ignorant, misguided irrelevancies!

Mac said...

Ed P,
Oh Lord, an exclamation mark - how am I supposed to get to sleep now?

Ripper said...

mac that question mark just shows you as being an interfering busybody why dont you just leave people alone we dont need any spanish inquisition thanks and while im on the subject dont you know that using capitals is shouting

Ripper said...


Mac said...

thanks for pointing out the errors of my ways im besides myself with grief and i cried all night
regards the video - it used to be im not a number now its im not a dot
sorry but old fashioned typing style will resume with the next post so there will be lots of shouting and scary dots

Kirk M said...

Oh please, please punctuate this post would you? And stuff in a few capital letters where they belong while you're at it? Please, I'm old! I can't stand this! It's like every comment left on Facebook these days.The only reason I kept my sanity at all is because you used paragraphs or at least what passes for paragraphs where blogs are concerned. I actually had to read some of your past posts just to get my head aligned properly.

How you managed to write the post without your head exploding is beyond me.

Note: Not actually my first time here but it is the first time I left a comment.I saw your comment in one of Grandad's latest posts so i decided to pay a visit.

Mac said...

Kirk M,
Thanks for the visit, please pop-in any time.
As for grammar, or lack thereof, hay, I was just bowing to the demands of the minority. That's the way it has to work these days isn't it?