14 Jan 2021

And Then, You WILL Be Scared...

   I see the fear quota has been upped once again with a new super duper variant of co-co announced. This time it’s a Brazilian strain of co-co; that would be the virus, not the bedtime drink. This strain, apparently, is so deadly that if you’ve been killed by co-co,  there’s a good chance it’ll kill you again. How scary is that then? However, the jab and jab passport are a-coming. Prays be! Hallelujah! Save me! 
   In related news I see that many millions of hospital ‘routine’ admissions for treatment  are being cancelled. Does that mean  that if any of those poor folk pass away before getting treatment they’ll be classified as deaths caused by co-co? Cleaver way to up the daily ‘news’ highlight number we so eagerly await every ‘news’ bulletin. It would be nice to see a bit o’ balance with the number of recoveries and discharges from hospital for the same period would it not? I guess that ‘news’ would be way off message... 
   It also seems folk are being moved out of hospitals and put into hotels to make room for plague victims. I can see the gimmigrants, already ensconced in said hotels, kicking off at that news.
    if they’re not going to use they Nightingale hospitals for sick folk, why not put the gimmigrants in there? A bed a camping stove and periodically drop off one of they free{?} kids meal boxes that poor families are complaining about and photographing – smartphone? – and posting all over the world. Free Inter Web? Free phone data? I don’t think the word ‘poor’ means the same as it did when I was growing up.
   And of course all health workers are suffering, going down with mental ‘problems’ with many a doctor turning to drink. Yea, right. Of course the ambulance service is also being stretched to breaking point and that ‘news’ reminded me of just about the first funny clip I ran into almost at the birth of the Wibbly Wobbly Web.
   Timidadians, leave now as naughty words are contained in this clip. Better watch it now though as I also note that censorship of all things relating to communications are starting to fall into place using the excuse of the largely riotous goings on in the US. It’s all part of the plan don’t ya know.


Quote;  Molly Ivins.

“So keep fightin’ for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don’t you forget to have fun doin’ it. Lord, let your laughter ring forth. Be outrageous, ridicule the fraidy-cats, rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce.”

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