11 Sept 2024

And Then That Is It…

   Wot’s it then? Well, so, that would be the little money given{?} to us old folk to help a tad with keeping warm through the winter. However, as it’s repeatedly mentioned, the state pension will be going up in April so no problem eh?
   At the risk of repeating myself, April comes after winter and another point not mentioned by the MSM is the simple fact that many more old folk will be tipped into the joy of paying tax.
   Treat this as every cloud has a silver lining thusly; Many - I know not how many - of those wot would rule over us have second homes in London do they not, and are fortunate enough to have their gas and lekky bills, along with many other expenses they all claim, paid for by tax payers thus the system is basically reversed with ever more of the elderly contributing to help those wot would rule over us keep warm. You couldn’t make it up.
   There could be a cunning plan here though as we’re repeatedly told that those with the broadest shoulders will be expected to fill the money pit. Wouldn’t it be a gas if their definition of ‘broad’ was shifted a tad to include those that had just received big pay rises eh? Is this the plan? Announce this on a chilly day and the elderly will be able to laugh themselves warm.
   However, if it’s so critical to plug this financial pit as quickly as possible, here’s an idea. I believe we have a big barge - Bibby? - wot will shortly no longer be used for gimmigrants. Tow the thing to the Thames, tie it up by the big house and use it for those that would rule over us so’s they can get out of those tax money eating second homes. That’d work and show us down here how those up there will do their bit to fill the pit. Never happen you say? Yeah, I know...
   Finally, regards the emptying of the prisons, to make room for those wot use naughty words, I ran into this clip via
Going Postal. It’s an Xticky thingy so just a link. Trust me, it’s worth having a clicky. Very clever. Bu-by.

Quote; IRS Auditor.

“The trick is to stop thinking of it as ‘your’ money.”


A K Haart said...

Maybe what they mean by those with the broadest shoulders are pensioners wrapped up in several layers of blankets this winter.

Mac said...

A K Haart,
Nice one! I should've spotted that. Guess what, it's hailing as I type this all huddled up looking longingly at the unlit fire...