14 Sept 2024

And Then, Confused…

   I believe I caught a bit in the ‘news’ the other day that Steer Calmer was planning to allow a vote by those wot would rule over us regards assisted dying. Now I apologise if I’m wrong but I thought this had just been voted on and passed via the cancellation of that winter warming pittance thus terminating many elderly and possibly others.
   Anyhoo, I see all is not lost on the warming front as Starmageddon is sabre rattling Vlad the Lad. Is this another cunning plan? When it kicks off we’ll all be warm for a while as we slowly melt?
   Newclear fallout? Hay, all you climate change nutters, put that in your pipe and smoke it - as you get smoked.

Quote; Bernie Sanders.

“In cold weather states like Vermont, where the weather can get to 20 below zero, home heating assistance is critically important. In fact, it is a life and death issue.”

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