6 Sept 2024

And Then A Bit More…

   ...from me that is.
   Think how our combined faith in human nature could be restorer if those wot have just got stonking pay rises on top of their already generous salaries called for a meeting with Steer Calmer and stated they hadn’t realised the size of that big black hole where the money tree used to be so respectfully requested their pay rises be put on hold until he’d stabilised the countries financial predicament via measures such as double washing and rinsing those with, allegedly, the broadest shoulders and some of those disgusting savings.
   Oh, and please reinstate that cold weather one time a year payment to the elderly and how about doubling that one off payment to take into account the standard tariff ten percent hike in gas and lekky coming in Octobuary?
   The holding of breath to await such a public spirited offer to help the elderly is most definitely not advised
   Another thing I didn’t realise was that when that Ed Sillybrain fellow stated a while back that he’d reduce energy bills by three hundred dabs a year, he meant by reducing wot the elderly could spend keeping warm by three hundred dabs a year. Different meaning, same result I guess...

Quote; Jerry Lewis.

“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision, even if that vision becomes two mops and a bucket.”

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