4 Sept 2024

And Then A Bit O’ Maths…

   Thus the furore regards the cancellation of the pensioners winter fuel allowance rumbles on.
   The bit I caught via the televisual receiving device this morning was when that robber in chief, answering a question regards this, replied that the cancellation was justified and anyway the state pension will{?} be going up, due to that triple lock thingy, by nine percent in April next year.
   A couple of things the opposition{?} questioner failed to mention was, firstly, April comes after winter and secondly if the lady in charge of the countries money has in her possession a recently invented bit o’ kit called a calculator.
   Wot for? Well, hasn’t it just been announced that the price fix for gas and lekky will rise by ten percent in October? Now I’m dumber un a rock but I do believe I can see the result of this but it would seem there’s nobody up there that can do the maths and figure out the net result between nine percent in verses ten percent more out. Nor any of our seekers of truth in the MSM apparently.
   Oh, and as mentioned before, how many more pensioners will that nine percent tip over that exciting threshold and into having yet more taken via income tax?
Anyhoo, let’s give all that no never mind and have a new ear political number as our new glorious leader drives us, ever faster, to the brink of who knows wot...

Quote; John Barrymore.

“Why is there so much month left at the end of the money?”

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