11 Aug 2024

And Then It’s Gone…

   Still in the land of the living. Or should that be the land of the livid wot with all wot’s going on?
   I see they’ve started with the easy target and scrapped us oldies winter fuel help. Thinking about that I bet those wot don’t really need it and go out and buy something, that item will generate various taxes from manufacture, through delivery to wholesalers to shop and finally customer.
   Meanwhile those that use it for gas and lekky will be contributing tax from discovery to delivery plus green levies an’ such. Taxes? Please don’t forget VAT. So, one wonders how much of that three hundred dab handout ends up in the left hand of the folk wot handed it out with the right hand eh?
   Anyhoo, with all wot’s going on and seeing as it’s hot today, standby for being told it’s the hottest day since - pick a date nobody was here for - y'all remember this old number? Beds are burning? Possibly, but I’m betting it’ll have nothing to do with that climate thingy...
   Shed two tears for us down here Keir...

Quote; Mike Bechtle.

“People can’t drive you crazy if you don’t give them the keys.”

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