20 Aug 2024

And Then It Seems It’s On The Way…

   And that would be the scrapping of that road tax thingy. Good news for motorists eh? Oh, hang on a pocket picking second, it seems they’re working on a pay per mile wallet wrench. Will that work out cheaper you think? Yeah, right. Gotta keep the till ticking high, right?
   As the old adage goes regards us old folk having to choose between heating and eating whilst huddled in our hovels, shortly, it’ll be just heating as not being able to afford to start the car to get food from the nearest supermarket.
   Wot will happen to bus fares?
Wot will be the add-on for home delivery? Who will pick-up the bigger delivery costs to those supermarkets and shops?  Why us down here of course.
   The obvious outcome is that more and more folk will hang up their car keys - is that the cunning plan? - thus those hanging on to their keys will have to pay more and more until they quit leaving just the chosen phew up there road worthy.
   I do hope they rebrand those fifteen minute cities to places of fifteen paces. Or, considering all the new easily broken hurty word an’ similar laws coming down the road of total control, just be done with it and call ‘em camps...

Quote; Vanya Cohen.

“When there’s a single thief, it’s robbery. When there are a thousand thieves, it’s taxation."


Andy5759 said...

I'm surprised that it's taken them so long to turn this country into a communist hellhole. I mean, they have been in power for literally days! Look on the bright side, they now have years in front of them to realise their errors and actually do something for us little Englishlanders. One can only hope.

Mac said...

One can only hope? I have a 'funny' feeling any and all hopes will be dashed come the October budget...