23 Aug 2024

And Then Up She Rises…

   I’m sure you can relate to the utter shock I didn’t experience this morning on learning energy prices will pop up by ten percent just in time for winter.
   Never mind the risk of being repetitive, I’ll shamelessly repeat myself:
Oh to live on an island with easily protected borders. An island rich in deposits of coal, natural gas and oil thus enabling the government to ensure the population they were elected to protect and serve, can live in safety and have secure, readily available, reasonably priced energy.
   Anyhoo, couple this hike in energy prices with the loss of that winter energy ‘bonus’ thingy to very many elderly and a clip from The Big Bus, a very under-rated movie in my opinion, popped into my mind so here it is. All you have to do is think of it not about their seats but as a conversation between an elderly lady and Ed Mini-brain, our highly intelligent ‘climate expert’ - no, really he is - regards the expected warmth of their respective homes come the cold;

Quote; Breyten Breytenbach.

“Even ivory towers need central heating.”

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