2 Aug 2024

And Then Here We Go…

   I see Sir Steer Calmer is really, really upset regards folk down here venting their anger regards that horrific attack on a little kids dance party and is determined to do something.
   That something seems to be to form another branch of our{?} police force to concentrate on ‘intelligence’ gathering coupled with CCTV and facial recognition thus being able to apprehend any and all those on the superduper mega far, far right folk, wot, we are told, are the result of all the countries troubles, the moment they attempt to leave their fifteen minute towns or, in extreme circumstances, as they attempt to leave their home.
   Let’s see how that plays out eh?

Quote; Pernell Plath Meier.

“Most of us knew in our bones that things with the world weren’t right, long before it became a crisis.”

          Glenn Greenwald

 “The way things are supposed to work is that we're supposed to know virtually everything about what they [the government] do: that's why they're called public servants. They're supposed to know virtually nothing about what we do: that's why we're called private individuals.”


Andy5759 said...

Have you seen the spoof commercial for the Kia Starmer on utub? I won't link it without your permission but do recommend you to look for it.

Mac said...

I'll have a look. Oh, no permission needed; leave wot you want here as long as it won't offend Two Tier Keir of course...