28 Jul 2024

And Then Kick Off…

   Not sure if you’ve spotted it but there’s been a many day major media melt down regards a bit o’ bother between some bobbies and our newest bestest ever friends at an airport. It’s taking a long time to declare the kicky, stompy bobby was suffering from mental health issues eh?
   There was also a soldier stabbed but apparently not quite as daily news worthy. Wrong way round perchance? Oh, mental health issues. Move on...
   Anyhoo, it all reminded me of a very old joke you may remember wot’s below:
A policeman spots a huge black guy dancing on the roof of a Ford motor car. He radios for backup.
"What's the situation?" Asks the operator.
"A big fat black bloke's dancing about on somebodies car roof."
"Whoa! You can't say that over the radio!" replies the operator, "You have to use the politically correct terminology"
"OK, sorry. Zulu... Tango... Sierra."

   Here’s hoping y’all have a happy tax paying week to come...

Quote; James Finn Garner.

“The emperor is naked!"
The parade stopped. The emperor paused. A hush fell over the crowd, until one quick-thinking peasant shouted:
"No, he isn't. The emperor is merely endorsing a clothing-optional lifestyle!”


James Higham said...

And so we watch and wait, Foggy.

Mac said...

Mr Higham,
And there wasn't too long to wait, eh?