27 Jul 2024

And Then Wot A Shock…

   I see the new chancer of the chequebook has discovered{?} a black hole in the countries piggy bank of many billions thus it’ll be impossible to implement many/all of the promises they made during their campaigning promise-fest. It also looks like taxes will requiring hiking as well. I’m sure, like me, you could see all this coming to pass a goodly while ago, eh?
   And another thing. When ever one of those wot would rule over us in interviewed by one of our journalistic seekers of truth regards any of their election ‘promises’, after the obligatory “Well,” they inform us they’ve either setup a committee to look into how to do it or requested help from other sources - which means paying a couple of buddies super salaries to sort something out, right?
   Those interviewers never, ever ask why, after fourteen years in opposition, in possession of all the relevant facts and information, didn’t they have everything they’d like to do and talked about ready to go on day one
   Regards nut zero and some Milly fellow and that let ‘em all in policy, please allow me to repeat myself:
   Oh to live on an island with easily protected borders. An island rich in deposits of coal, natural gas and oil thus enabling the government to ensure the population they were elected to protect and serve, can live in safety and have secure, readily available, reasonably priced energy. But we dream eh?

Quote; Milton Friedman.

“If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert, in 5 years there'd be a shortage of sand.”

          John Kenneth Galbraith.

“Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite.”

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