1 Feb 2022

And Then Two Questions...

   And those would be unasked questions. The first has been mentioned here before, but this raging bug o’ death we’ve been living through – living through? How? We were told it’d kill us all, right? Anyhoo, how come all those seekers of truth in our media, when ‘interviewing’ one of those wot would rule over us never think to ask that as those folk up there are privy to all the science and information from all the ‘experts’ regards the spread ability and deadliness of co-co, y’all decided the health risk was, like, so incredibly minimal you’d all just party heart. So, was it, as we suspect,  just an exercise in population control and to get some experimental chemi cocktail into as many arms as possible? Can’t be asked can it as the MSM have to stay on-message or else.
   Next question, and a missed chance by any one of those that would rule over us during yesterdays lash-up in the big zoo, should've been thus, “To ask the Prime Minister why I wasn’t invited to any of these parties.” 
  Let’s end on a somewhat different note. Earlier, I ran into an old number; ‘...Another say older and deeper in debt’ and trust me, you ain't  ever heard it this deep. Try a sing-along. Oh, come on, deep down you want to have a go.


Quote;  Terry Pratchett.

“Questions don't have to make sense, Vincent," said Miss Susan. "But answers do.”


Ripper said...

Well... like... here's, like, a young, like, lady who can, like, answer some of your, like, you know, questions..


Doonhamer said...

Stupid questions.
Carl Sagan said something similar but using more words.
Hand Christian Andersen young boy also asked a stupid question about the emperor's attire.

Mac said...

Proof that, as a country, we're, like, lost.

Mac said...

I'm occasionally asked stupid questions by my little nest of vipers. Happily, she always accepts a stupid answer...