15 Apr 2020

And Then A Get Together...

Out and about a bit today doing a bit o’ that state mandated essential shopping. Got the car parked with no problems and we headed off on the exercise segment of our outing to get to the store. It was interesting to see that after all the government has done to ram home the socially distancing decree, that folk seemed to be walking about in total fear of everyone else.

This distancing thingy was continued in the orderly queue outside the store and with only a limited number of the citizenry allowed inside at any one time, shopping was a rather lonely affair but also a doddle.

Checkout was where it went downhill a tad, as far as the permitted distancing went, as only one in four checkout lines seemed to be in operation thus maintaining the two meter plus mandate. They were also spookily quiet. However, shoppers seemed to be favouring the self checkout area where the self service tills are no more that about a foot apart and thus, after a socially distanced walk, queue and shopping experience, the final stage was a cheek to joule gathering of many, many shoppers sharing germs, plague and PIN numbers and nobody seemed to give this fact a fat rat’s ass. All the distancing good done to this point, undone during the self scan of a can of spam.

I can only assume that store management is instructing their staff to adhere to all dictates regarding spacing, total number of punters allowed in the store at any one time and to protect the checkout staff. However, once the shoppers have got their stuff, just get their money and get them out; we’re finished with ‘em.

Quote;  Anthony T. Hincks.

“It's when the world comes to an end that you don't mind waiting your turn or if someone jumps the queue.”

1 comment:

Ripper said...
