26 Sept 2019

And Then, How Sweet...

I see there’s a bit of a brouhaha ongoing about the use of a word wot, until very recently, was primarily the name of a sweet and a line in an old book. So we’ve lost another word to the easily offended thanks to the, act before you think, Left. My view of the whole lot of ‘em ‘up there’? To quote Ebenezer Scrooge, bah, humbug. Censorship by stealth is with us and our not so subliminal conditioning continues apace.

I was reading round the Web this AM and came upon a great comment by Solly Gratia – thank you - over at Going Postal wot I’ve taken the liberty of pasting below. So many hurty words out there these days. However, teemed up with this lot, ‘humbug’ don’t sound so bad do it?

”I am advised that we racist, bigoted, far right, xenophobic, Islamophobic, gammon faced, coffin dodging, idiotic, lie believing, deluded, little England, Leavers need to moderate our language.”

Quote;  Tamora Pierce.

“’It's always better to attack than to defend,’ Coram had told her when they talked about fencing late at night. ‘Always. Ye don't win with defence - ye only hold the other feller off, or wear him down. Attack and have done with it!’”

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