28 Sept 2019

And Then, Sounds Funny...

Here’s something for some of you to try and I’ll start by saying it shouldn’t work, okay?

Having worked all my life in high noise environments, With advancing years I done did develop that tinnitus thingy. Nothing too severe but it do be hear. However, after the attack on my heart I found it had increased in intensity and when sitting in the evenings and lying a-bed, included the loud sound of my heart in my right ear. Known as pulsy tinny or something similar.

Wot to do? Knowing it’s basically something you have to learn to live with, I headed off on a Google voyage of exploration and in amongst the avalanche of available stuff, I ran into a Chinaman on YouTube... Yeah, I know but wot the hay. I can’t offer a link as I’ve lost it and can’t find it but below is my typed version.

Wot this guy did was thus; with your fingers, find the bony area right behind your ears. Got it? With two fingers of both hands gently tap tap tap that area, up and down, behind both ears for thirty seconds or so. Then massage the bottom of that area, which on my head is directly behind my earlobes, in a circular motion for thirty seconds. Right after that, take your ear lobes and gently pull outwards and slightly downwards and hold for thirty seconds. That is all. When I watched the video, I smiled out loud and then thought wots wrong with trying it? And try I did. Morning and evening.

You know wot? After about a week I was conscious of a definite diminishing in the sounds and the pulsy heart sound was all but gone. After another week it’s like tinny in its entirety be gone.

Please let me say right here, right now, this was a guy on YouTube so it just shouldn’t work should it? But I can also say that it worked for me. Power of suggestion because I wanted it to work? Mind over nutter? Hell, I don’t know. Will it work for you? Hell, I don’t know. All I can say is it’s basically free, costing only three or so minutes a day of your time, is painless and may, just may rid you, should you be a sufferer, of that damn whistling in you head.

I’m guessing that in our modern, progressive world, I have to add a disclaimer of sorts, right? Please note I’m neither recommending the above nor am I advising you do it; I’m typing wot it did for me.

Quote;  Norton Juster.

“Have you ever heard a blindfolded octopus unwrap a cellophane-covered bathtub?”


Grandad said...

No harm in giving it a go. It's harmless enough.

Now if it involved banging six inch nails into my head or chewing live tarantulas.....

A K Haart said...

Interesting. I've had tinnitus all my life and cope with it by ignoring it, but I'll give this method a try.

Mac said...

Hope you experience the same result as I seem to have.
"I went to the doctors with hearing problems. He said, "Can you describe the symptoms?" I said, "Yeah, Homer's a fat bloke and Marge has blue hair".