13 Jan 2019

And Then, What A Mess...

Watching and listening to the TV today and looking round that Inter-Web thingy, the mess our ‘betters’ have got us into regarding Brexit becomes evermore obvious. Are ‘they’ going to be blocking it? Extending that Art 50 or just abandon the whole shooting match? One thing’s for sure, there’s going to be no end of ‘fun’ coming down the pipe next week and I can well imagine Amazon ensuring they have a goodly stock of they yellow  lookin’ jackets to hand. Just in case.

Interestingly, a little later in the day, I was in ear range of a couple of old chaps and picked up on just a little of their conversation which, roughly, went thus: 
Chap one said, ”Man, it’s a mess but what can us poor sods down here do about it?”
To this observation, chap two replied, ”Hold her steady ahead on the road we’re all on now but when you get to the election crossroads ignore the conventional signposts and be sure to make a hard right...”

The ditty below, pulled from left field, goes back many years but when you click to play you’ll find it has a cast and lyrics that, unintentionally but spookily, say so much about where we find ourselves today.


Quote;  Charles de Gaulle.

“In politics it is necessary either to betray one's country or the electorate. I prefer to betray the electorate.

            J. F. Kennedy

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

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