17 Jan 2019

And Then It Might Be My Fault...

I’m doing this right quick as I have a tenth of a sausage under the grill as per the latest batshit crazy dietary ‘advice’. Not sure at this time if I have to eat a tenth of a sausage every day, once a week, month or a year. Not only is this the healthy option, but according to a jolly long study obviously conducted in a loony-bin some place, it’ll also reduce the effect of climate change. Your laughing aren’t you? Hay, go read about it.
“Professor Tim Lang, one of the authors from City, University of London, said: "The food we eat and how we produce it determines the health of people and the planet, and we are currently getting this seriously wrong.”
See? That’s a professor wot’s one of the nutters authors so you’re not laughing now are you? Wot? You’re laughing even harder? Oh, okay.

One and a half eggs a week with just a hint of bacon? Sorry, but I, me and myself, since about age ten and almost daily, have enjoyed a breakfast of two eggs, bacon, fried bread and toast and butter so if it starts to get colder or warmer, dependant on the scare of the moment, where you be living, please accept my humble apologies as this study would suggest it’s most likely all my fault.

Quote; ??

“If we shouldn't eat at night, why is there a light in the fridge?”

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