26 Dec 2018

And Then, They Open Again...

Boxing day, shops open again and off my little nest of vipers rushes, me in tow, to see if there have been any innovative advances in colander technology during the twenty-four hour store shutdown. Sadly, it seems not. They’re still basically bowls with holes so she’s presently sitting at her end of the sofa in blissful silence.

Finally, where’s Caratacus? It’s not like him to miss popping through the Mirror over Christmas. Has he just had enough of this silly site? Was it something I typed that he’s taken offence to? As strange as this may sound, I do hope so as any alternative thoughts regarding his no-show here at this time of year could lead to becoming a tad too gloomy to contemplate.

Quote;  H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

“People take different roads seeking fulfilment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've got lost.”

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