17 Sept 2018

And Then, Warp Factor...

Seems the MSM and the BBC especially, have enacted warp factor big number regarding something to do with the UK leaving the EU and how very, very bad that will prove to be.

Seems we’re doomed on so many levels if we actually and totally leave the EU whatever that means in English. I don’t profess to having a wonderous grasp of geography but wot I do be remembering, from my lifetime spent roaming this globe, is that there are more countries outside than inside the EU and they all seem to sell and buy stuff. Really, they do.

Anyhoo, the doom and gloom today from the BBC, who seem to have been showing it every ten minutes, is courtesy of the IMF and their predicted total collapse of just about everything here. This has been fronted by that lady Lagarde – I wouldn’t buy a fudge bar from her by-the-by.  A lady who should, in our world, be introduced as that old lag Lagarde but, unlike you or I, she avoided gaol even though found guilty. Funny old world eh?

In other news it’s mind bending to see some high ranking police person is under investigation for using the phrase ‘whiter than white’ during a briefing to other officers. Say wot now? So whiter than white is now verboten. Hopefully, not when typed and only verboten when spoken. The investigation is expected to take a year at a cost of... Is there any way back from all this madness?

Not enough for you? ‘Sugar spoon’ is, allegedly, also on the naughty list as it rhymes with something. Hay, hang on a speechless moment there; don’t all words rhyme with something? With the possible exception of ‘orange’? 
“What rhymes with ‘orange’?”
”No it doesn’t...”
To make this stuff up would be exceedingly difficult.

All I can say is the toon below needs deleting from the Inter-Web  this very second – if not sooner. A classic which is, spookily, sung by singers of colour.


To add a bit o’ bad ass balance, try the track below before it’s banned. May have featured here before. A fine blues number and yet again performed by a fellow of colour.
VERY MPORTANT NOTE: This is absolutely NOT for Timidadians or those of a modern day media induced nervous disposition as there are depictions of tobacco and alcohol usage, folk cavorting outrageously, references to violence and of course the use of some jolly naughty words. 


Okay Timidadians, you can come out from under your beds now. The toon below is a damn great toon but see how the lyrics, penned years ago, reflect the state we’re in today.


Quote;  Ambrose Bierce.

“BELLADONNA, n. In Italian a beautiful lady; in English a deadly poison. A striking example of the essential identity of the two tongues.”

            Vera Nazarian.

“Each letter of the alphabet is a steadfast loyal soldier in a great army of words, sentences, paragraphs, and stories. One letter falls, and the entire language falters.”

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