25 Jan 2014

And Then I Find It’s Not Bob….

This is a belated follow-up to that post featuring that sad, sad Bob Dylan Christmas offering, ‘It Must Be Santa’.

There was an advert on TV over the festive period - it may well still be airing - that was advertising something I have absolutely no memory of – quick note to advertising agency; it didn’t work in this house – that made me sit up a little, okay, slide a up the sofa a little, and think to myself, me being alone at the time with nobody to think with, “That’s a Dylan number from a little bit longer than a while ago that I don’t remember hearing before. Better go do some in-depth research. Oh, hang on, I’ll just Google the sucker.”

And there it was!! And probably still is!! Surprisingly, it’s not Bob but Bugg, Jake Bugg no less. Do I like it, as much as it sounds a little like an early Bobby number? Not sure really. I’d sure take repeated airings of it over a visit to the dentist for a root canal but other than that……

All I can say is you’d a thought ol’ Jake’s mum, Mrs Bugg I assume, would a mentioned to her singing son that that voice had already been done. Having said that, maybe folk of Mr Buggs generation wouldn’t know a Dylan even if they found one in their iPods.

Having a listen yourself seems to be the best course of action to bring this post to rest.

Happily, those boys and girls rescued from that icy bound boat just to get ‘stranded’ on a working boat have finally sailed into a safe haven and the intrepid ‘explorers’ and similar are, I assume, heading for home. Sadly, it looks like the insurers will be hit with the bill for the float-an-stuck-an-sail-a-thon. Happily, it’s mooted that the insurers may pass the bill back to the head intrepid ‘explorer’. Bummer eh? I’d just like to thank all those boys and girls for giving me so many miles and piles of smiles through this season.

Quote;  Bob Dylan.

“Don't criticize what you can't understand.”

“If you want to keep your memories, you first have to live them.”


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