28 Nov 2013

And Then A Quick Visit….

Yup, I’m still here. By that I mean here – where I am. I haven’t been here for a few days as my head’s been devoid of stuff to type. Okay, more devoid than usual then.

Thinking about the above, I’ve never ever actually been here at all. I usually just type some words where I am and then send them here; I don’t need to bring them so, there ya’ go – never been here. Or should that be ‘…been there’ as I’m most definitely here where I am and not some other place as well.  Whoa!! Time for one of they blue lookin’ pill thingies I’m guessing.

Anyhoo, as it’s been a while I though I’d better pop into the laptop to clean the screen and generally tidy up. And guess wot?  With a tidy laptop and fingers poised over the keyboard it was still only me and my head-bound bluebird and, although he was singing his little heart out, it didn’t help and that ol’ Bloggers block still has a hold.

However, for a damp, grey Thursday evening may I leave you with this classic routine? Thanks. Enjoy. Bu-by.

Quote;  Elizabeth J. Kolodziej

“The music lets me see the story but the story doesn't let me write the words.”

            Terry Pratchett.

“There's no such thing as writer's block. That was invented by people in California who couldn't write.”

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