9 Oct 2012

And Then A Bit O’ Balance….

After yesterdays mellow song and poking fun at Paddy, sorry, I thought I’d redress the balance with another quiet little ballad.

This song{?} goes back a ways and it’s message has already been addressed and is now history. The re-balancing line is, May the road rise with you’ which, as you probably know, is an old Irish blessing an’ such. Okay Ireland, are we quits now? Good.

Along with that, other lines also work just as well today as they did back then. On so many levels, as they love to say.

There’s a line in there with a message that Davey the Young, Eddy the Younger and…. Oh, wosis-name, come on, what is it? Sounds a little like a shoe. Hush Puppy? Nah. Nike? Close! Nick! That’s it! Little Nicky. Anyway, it’s a message the boys should write out a hundred times before they go home every night. The message? Anger is an energy. Remember that line boys, and be careful. Keep ignoring your people the way you do, and that anger could be coming to a lamp post near you.

Sadly, the video’s another none-embederater so here it is. Ol’ Johnny belting it out in his usual reserved style.

Quote; Aristotle.

“Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.”

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