4 Aug 2010

And Then It Was Farewell Captain….

The good Captain Ranty today has said farewell. This is sad as I really enjoyed his site. I have to confess, at my age, I found the ins and outs a tad hard to understand but was slowly getting there, and will continue to strive to fully get to grips with ‘Freemanry’. I do understand that, basically, it’s just the word, “No”.
It’s sadder on another level; he was the only proper blogger wot linked to this place and now he’s stopped posting!! I mean, how selfish can you get? That's a joke by the way Sir.
Enjoy your rest Captain, but come back soon. Enjoy the song.

Quote; Liz Strauss.
“Breathe. Know that the Internet has no eraser.”

1 comment:

Captain Ranty said...

Thanks Mac!

By gum, that song takes me back.

I will indeed be back. (If I ever go away that is. I hadn't realised how many were actually using any of the info on the blog).

I think I just have "campaign fatigue".

"No" is the key. Do not consent. The paperwork just ensures that the judge knows that you revoked your consent.

Stay well,