8 Feb 2007

And Then We Played Hide and Seek........

Unlike the trip before when our travel planing department contrived to have me sitting in Amsterdam for 12 hours waiting for the Bangkok flight, this time I left Humberside at five in the afternoon to catch the eight thirty PM flight; kool.

This is mainly a business mans flight through the week but it being Saturday an' all there were only nine passengers on board. As we had soon got to know each other someone suggested a game of ten pin bowling. It's a little known fact that short haul flights carry a collection of games that can only be used when the passenger list is below ten and one passenger has three g's and three y's in his Christian name and this was our lucky day.

like so many other things in life, when you can't do something then that's the time you really, really want to do it. Then, when you can do it, the appeal is gone in seconds. It was thus with the ten pin bowling and after a few half hearted ends we wrapped it up. We gave the prize to the guy with three g's and three y's in his name as he was directly responsible for us getting a game.

It was while we were packing the bowling balls and pins back in the games locker at the back of the plane that we noticed a most beautiful sight out of the windows. The sky was full of the most amazing colours as the sun set in the East. The driver must have noticed this at the same time because we started to make a graceful one hundred and eighty degree turn which resulted in the pointy end of the plane looking towards Amsterdam rather than Ambleside and put the sun back to setting in the West, the place it has done it since day one. So I believe.

We all sank back into our own Worlds for a while until the stewardesses handed out what passes for coffee on airplanes along with what was called a cheese sandwich. Not really sure what it actually was. This passed a couple of minutes then someone called out for a game of hide and seek. I can't remember who it was but I don't think it was the guy with the three g's and the three y's in his name. This was going great with lots of giggling 'till we realized we were looking for the driver. At that time someone called out for a stop to the game, and this was the guy with the three g's and the three y's in his name, and insisted the driver get back to his driving seat and pay attention as we didn't want to end up going towards Ambleside again. We sulked a bit but after another cup of near coffee and a biscuit, we all settled down for the remainder of the flight.

Off the plane and into the Amsterdam routine of trouser belt off, removing shoes, batteries out of travel clocks, measuring liquids into little plastic bags and so forth. With the toilet visit finally over it was off to security, check-in and onto the plane for a further eleven hours flying.

{There are no games on long haul flights at this time.}


"Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a function."

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