I’m guessing that if you didn’t watch all of Steer Calmer’s New year message, you caught clips on the news{?} channels, right?
Well, so, the verbal message was as expected; Blah, blah, blah; but did you, unlike the media, spot the visual message? So wot was he wearing on a chilly winters day? Yup, there he was in open necked shirt, sleeves rolled-up thus presenting the message to all the elderly and others watching whilst huddled for warmth in woolly blankets that, unlike them, he had his heating on high, high.
Wot kind of 'caring' message does that project then? And if ‘they’ can’t get a simple bit of thought process together on the implications of a simple visual message, wot hope have we that they’ll
get the tough bits right, eh?
Quote; Billy Connolly.
“There's no such thing as bad weather - only the wrong clothes.”
I didn't watch it but yes, from the picture that's a good point. A politician who can't even do presentation.
A K Haart,
Yes, no idea Keir true to form indeed.
Sadly, none of our inquisitive journalists picked up on this.
Come on. Give Surkier a break.
He was not wearing his vewwy vewwy expensive suit (jacket).
And he did not pretend to be at his own family home by displaying his family photographs.
Maybe he was in Madiera. My dear.
Nice one. Or was he trying to project the idea that he had his sleeves rolled up and was ready to go? Oh, good idea - let him go.
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