While wandering through the comments over at Going Postal, I ran into one I couldn’t resist pinching via that copy thingy. May I humbly apologise to the original author and also thank them for the words. I’ve made a couple of very small edits just in case the original were perceived as naughty talk and got me locked up. Got to be so damn careful these daze eh?
Dear Young People.
I gather that some of you are feeling a bit pissy because you can't afford your dream home out of your wages. You are being told that it's all the fault of the Baby
Boomer Generation somehow. Let me clear that up for you.
When you get your pay-slip have a look at the deductions. You'll see something called income tax. And another deduction called National Insurance. It's a hefty chunk
of money. These are just the beginning. The money that THE GOVERNMENT takes away from you before you even SEE your wages.
If you're in charge of bills you'll see Council tax, and energy bills with VAT and green-scam subsidy taxes. VAT is something you'll pay on most of the things you buy. It was originally to blag revenue for the European Union with Brussels setting the minimum level of theft and the British
government tacking on a bit more just to rake it in.
You will also pay taxes, levies and green subsidy costs on petrol and diesel fuel. You'll pay tobacco duty. Alcohol duty. And many, many other taxes. You get taxed on what you earn, taxed on what you spend, taxed on what you save and when the time comes you will get taxed on what your parents try to leave to you.
Your biggest expense is government. Local, national and do not for a moment believe that you're not still paying the European Union in countless little sneaky ways.
And on what is all your hard-earned, easy-go money spent?
Foreign aid to countries that hate us. This is partly boomerang money. A lot of it comes back to the people who send it out either through administration costs, charities
or dodgy contracts. None of it comes back to YOU.
QUANGOS. There are thousands of these. They exist for two main purposes. Firstly as 'employment' opportunities for the pointless parasitic bureaucrats who run them.
Also for their children who need to be inducted into the family business of mooching off of the taxpayer. Also for politicians who have been voted out of office but need rewarding for the service they provided to the establishment.
And secondly, QUANGOS provide convenient support for whatever bogus narrative the government is trying to push.
Charities. No such thing. They receive donations from the government and the money is spent on big salaries for board members. Any actual work done by the charity is done
by volunteers for free.
Civil Service. An immense bureaucracy dedicated to the pay, perks, promotions and pensions of the bureaucrats. And it just keeps getting bigger and greedier.
The NHS. Another bureaucracy. A hospital is a large office building with some wards bolted on for the look of the thing. Bureaucrats include diversity, outreach, inclusion
and equality staff who have absolutely nothing to do with healing the sick.
Education. This is one of the worst because of the sheer volume of lies that 'teachers' are telling. Lies about the climate, about race, about history and about the
rules society should follow.
You can tar every government department with the same brush including the armed forces now. Bureaucracy has subsumed whatever purpose the departments originally had.
Another massive expense is the consequences of importing the third world into Britain. You have been told that this is a net benefit and the nation is enjoying the wonderful
benefits of a dynamic and vibrant multicultural society. That is a MASSIVE lie.
The basic immigrant fetched across the Channel is a male with high expectations and no impulse control. They arrive, make demands and insist that their entire village be
brought over to 'reunite them with their families'.
Their wishes are granted. Top of the housing list. Free money to spend. Free health care. Free dental care. Free schooling for their offspring. All at YOUR expense. And they
over-inbreed the next generation that will demand the same.
If you haven't realised yet that we are being replaced by these gimmigrants it’s time you did. The media are trying to hide it and Tommy Robinson keeps getting
arrested for pointing it out.
It's not the older generations of working people who are destroying your future. It's the parasites who are leeching it out of you. The vampires. The liberals, the
conservatives and the labour parties. The local council. The bureaucrats.
Your children will not even be able to own a car. The British Government Of Globalist Occupation at the behest of those way up there in the shadows will see to it that they
will struggle all their lives with a worse standard of living than YOU will have. And the future government will probably have your children blaming YOU.
Quote; Santosh Kalwar.
“A man has been stealing wheels off of police cars. They’re working tirelessly to catch him.”
I'd give this a dozen 'likes'.
It sure is a spot-on piece is it not?
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