21 Oct 2023

And Then We Stayed In….

   Well, the TV weather forecasts were/are suitably scary with maps of red and amber complete with exclamation marks but one thing that’s usually included these daze was missing. This left us with a decision to make. Go out or stay indoors? Why? Well, the TV didn’t tell us wot to wear to best be protected from the rain and wind.
    Not getting this invaluable info from the media, I came down in just a shirt only to be told by my little nest of vipers that I should, at least, put a pair of trousers on as well. End result? Another day scarily huddled in the cupboard under the stairs. See y’all next spring...

Quote; Kin Hubbard.

“Don't knock the weather. If it didn't change once in a while, nine out of ten people couldn't start a conversation.”

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