24 Sept 2023

And Then A Slow Train...

   Well, so it seems our leader now has that high speed train in his sights as, owing to spiralling costs, it may no longer go all the way so we’ll basically just save ten minutes on a trip from nowhere to nowhere. That’s cool as you can’t keep on increasing our countries debt whilst increasing our countries debt to give all that money to Ukranky to help them kill folk - or over feather various nests - and build a railway, eh?
    As I may have typed before, I can imagine standing on the platform waiting to board the first HS2 train, sometime in the distant future, to hear the tannoy announce a twenty minute delay owing to leaves falling from nearby trees and blowing onto the tracks. ‘We apologise for the delay but this is owing to climate change and the governments and your failures in addressing this crisis harder, faster. Thus ends this brainwashing announcement for your journey.’

Quote; Terry Pratchett.

“The aristocrats, if such they could be called, generally hated the whole concept of the train on the basis that it would encourage the lower classes to move about and not always be available.”

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