Well, I see Rich-Boy Sad-Sack is giving another shed load of our money - yup, it’s our money - to combat that heating and cooling cycle of the sun. During these times
of that cost of living crises and his ‘pledge’ to half inflation I can only assume it’s not actually our money, as we don’t have any spare anyway, but, him being such a believer, it’s actually
one point six billion of his own money, right? Oh...
And those that would rule over us have folk on huge salaries to advise them on all things financial? May I humbly suggest ‘they’ just use Giggle search
to figure out if this use of our money is going to be, like, awesomely, like, cool;
Debt is the total amount owed by the Government which has accumulated over the years. Debt is therefore a much larger sum of money. At the end of 2022/23
public sector net debt was £2,530 billion (i.e. £2.5 trillion), which is equivalent to 100% of GDP. This is equivalent to around £38,000 per person in the UK.
Regards the ever changing climate and the cost to counter it, I cant believe the eye watering money being thrown at it. Just a note to those up there. For centuries past it’s been handed down from
the elderly to the youngerly that when the sun is in a warming cycle, remove some of your voluminous outer garments and when the sun goes into a cooler cycle get those outer garments back on. That worked. Cheap seasonal simplicity.
It’s now going to cost one point six billion plus to teach folk that ol’ trick again? Really? Or is it just passing kelly through the laundry? I’ll bet you can bet your last pound it is...
close with a couple of clips. Bu-by.
Quote; Jay Leno.
“According to a new U.N. report, the global warming outlook is much worse than originally predicted. Which is pretty bad when they originally predicted it would destroy the planet.”
Jay Leno is right, if it's going to destroy the planet twice then that's pretty bad. Still - bothering about Covid must be a waste of time.
A K Haart,
Don't bother worrying about Covid? How dare you!! Please don't let anyone hear you say that or you could be in big trouble.
Seems everything gets two goes these days. Regards Covid, should that be two shots - or more?
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