22 Aug 2023

And Then A Quote...

   I ran into another ‘you are here’ pic yesterday and along with word regards the one day number of our newest bestest ever friends arriving, it all reminded me of a comment I stole from I remember not where a while ago and wot I may have put up before. It needs spreading far and wide.
“Politicians tell us that, for some reason, it's impossible to stop humans from crossing a defended border, but it's perfectly rational to believe we can control the natural heating and cooling cycles of the earth. Do they even listen to themselves?"

    Further to the above, we’ve had a phew sunny daze here but the MSM have done their job and we’ve been too scared to sit in the garden owing to the threat of global boiling and the good chance our garden and surrounds, heavy with trees and bushes as it is, could spontaneously self combust at any moment. As it’s reportedly happening the world over...
    Fancy smiling a while? The cat’s in the cradle eh? Can’t embederate as it’s one of they
X thingies so just do the clicky thingy
on this bit wot’s underlined. Seems Blogger don’t like blue for hyperlinks.

Quote; Arnold H. Glasow.

“Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.”

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