I ran into another ‘you are here’ pic yesterday and along with word regards the one day number of our newest bestest ever friends arriving, it all reminded me of a
comment I stole from I remember not where a while ago and wot I may have put up before. It needs spreading far and wide.
“Politicians tell us that, for some reason, it's impossible to stop humans from crossing a defended border, but it's perfectly rational to believe we can control the natural heating and cooling cycles
of the earth. Do they even listen to themselves?"
Fancy smiling a while? The cat’s in the cradle eh? Can’t embederate as it’s one of they X thingies so just do the clicky thingy on this bit wot’s underlined. Seems Blogger don’t like blue for hyperlinks.
Quote; Arnold H. Glasow.
“Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.”
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