...to those of you wot take a walk and pay attention to your surroundings with glances at the wondrous vistas the sky presents us; oh, look, con trails! And of no interest to the ever expanding numbers wot go for a walk with head downcast looking at that smart{?}phone thingy in their hand. It’s long so gird yourself with a drink, okay? Wot to do? Go walking in scuba kit just in case?
a clip soon to be aired on our MSM over here. Or possibly not...
You’ll need to click here for this one.
Quote; Stieg Larsson.
“Dear Government, I'm going to have a serious talk with you if I ever find anyone to talk to.”
There's non so blind
as those that can't see
Teddy Tour Teas,
So true and even more so now it seems so many faces are glued to their palms...
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